I love Christmas. I do. I love it until it becomes national business. People, wake up. Santa Claus is not a bank manager, not to talk about Jessus [p.s: i don't wanna talk about religion problems].
I adore spending Christmas with the people I care about, not with the whole city! I don't need a fake "Merry Christmas!" or worse, one said because of holidays routine. I mean it. If you say it just because people often say it when it's Christmas, you'd better shut up. I don't wanna hear it. I don't need fake blandness.
Another thing I have to mention: I don't expect or need gifts. I need hugs.They're definitely better!
All I want for Christmas is snow [ok,ok,and him].
P.s: Santa, I will let you muffins and a glass of milk[not wine, you know you must drive carefully!]under the Christmas Tree! ^ ^

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